Wednesday, September 30, 2020

9.30.20 Ronda Vuillemont-Smith - Presidential Debate, Drive For 45 Rolling Rally

Pat Campbell talks to Ronda Vuillemont-Smith about last night's Presidential debate and this Saturday's Drive For 45 Rolling Rally in Tulsa.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.30.20 Jarrin Jackson - Presidential Debate, Service Dogs

Pat Campbell talks to Jarrin Jackson about the Presidential debate last night and service dogs.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.30.20 Sen. James Lankford - Presidential Debate, Supreme Court Seat, The V.A., COVID-19 Relief

Pat Campbell talks to Sen. Lankford about last night's Presidential debate, the open Supreme Court seat, the V.A. and the Mission Act, and the next COVID-19 relief bill.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

9.29.20 Brandi Herndon - Expo Square - Tulsa State Fair 2020

Pat Campbell talks to Brandi Herndon, Agribusiness Manager at Expo Square, about what the Tulsa State Fair will look like this year.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.29.20 Dr. Sarah Knife Chief - PTSD Treatment, Lidocaine I.V., COVID-19 Repeat, Flu Vaccine

Pat Campbell talks to Dr. Knife Chief about treatment for PTSD, lidocaine I.V. usefulness, getting COVID-19 twice, and the flu vaccine.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.29.20 Rep. Markwayne Mullin - Family, The V.A.

Pat Campbell talks to Congressman Mullin about what it's like for his family with him being in Congress and veteran Daryl Simmons' issues with the V.A.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

Friday, September 25, 2020

9.25.20 The Rational Male - Cult Of The Child, SCOTUS, The Year of The Woman, Sexualizing Children

Pat Campbell talks to Rollo Tomassi, The Rational Male, about the Cult of the Child, replacing Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and sexualizing children.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.25.20 Amanda Bradley - COPES - Teaming Up With 911

Pat Campbell talks to Amanda Bradley, Program Director of COPES at Family & Children's Service, about the collaboration with 911 to help with calls from people in mental crises.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.25.20 Sen. Nathan Dahm - OCPA, COVID-19 Mandates, Crisis Legislation, Money For COVID-19 Diagnoses

Pat Campbell talks to Sen. Dahm about the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, COVID-19 mandates, legislation for the next crisis, money for COVID-19 diagnoses.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.25.20 Sheriff Scott Walton - SQ 805

Pat Cambell talks about the big news of former Gov. Frank Keating resigning from the board of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs for a number of reason, including the OCPA's stance on SQ 805. He also talks to Rogers County Sheriff Scott Walton about SQ 805.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

Thursday, September 24, 2020

9.24.20 Bill O'Reilly - The O'Reilly Update Coming To Talk Radio 1170

Pat Campbell talks to Bill O'Reilly about joining the Talk Radio 1170 family Mondays through Fridays at 11am!!

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.24.20 Jim Stovall - Justice Ginsburg, Mitt Romney, "Civics & Civility" Column, Jim's Read

Pat Campbell talks to Jim Stovall about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mitt Romney, his latest column "Civics & Civility", and Jim's Read today.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.24.20 Daryl Simmons - Near-Death Experience, Louisville Issues, Hunter Biden, The V.A., Politics In Sports, Supreme Court Pick

Pat Campbell talks to former Naval Intelligence Officer Daryl Simmons about his and Daryl's near-death experience yesterday, the issues in Louisville, Hunter Biden Senate inquiry, Daryl's adventures with the V.A., professional athletes being political, and picking a Supreme Court nominee.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.24.20 Michelle Malkin - Karl Fontenot - "An Innocent Man"

Pat Campbell talks to Michelle Malkin about the Oklahoma case of Karl Fontenot, who was featured on the Netflix series "An Innocent Man", and is back in the news.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

9.23.20 D.A. Steve Kunzweiler - SQ 805 - The Other Side

Pat Campbell talks to D.A. Steve Kunzweiler about SQ 805, in response to Kris Steele's (Oklahomans For Criminal Justice Reform) comments on SQ 805.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.23.20 Kris Steele - Oklahomans For Criminal Justice Reform - SQ 805

Pat Cambell talks to Kris Steele about SQ 805, which deals with sentencing time for non-violent offenders.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.23.20 Michael Bates - Justice Ginsburg, Mask Mandates

Pat Campbell talks to Michael Bates of about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and mask mandates,

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.23.20 Jarrin Jackson - Justice Ginsburg, The Color Revolution, Removing Judges

Pat Campbell talks to Jarrin Jackson about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Color Revolution, Removing Judges, and more.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.23.20 Sheriff Scott Walton - Fighting Crime In Rogers County

Pat Campbell talks to Rogers County Sheriff Scott Walton about fighting crime in the county with more help from a $250,000 grant. They also talk about funding and SQ 805.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

9.22.20 Senator Jim Inhofe - SCOTUS Seat, Defund The Police Movement, NDAA

Pat Campbell gets the first exclusive interview with Senator Jim Inhofe to talk about the open SCOTUS seat, the defund the police movement, and the National Defense Authorization Act.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.22.20 Dr. Jim Meehan - Hydroxychloroquine, Water Fountains, Children & Masks

Pat Campbell talks to Dr. Meehan about some states reversing their stance on prescribing hydroxychloroquine, TPS changing out some water fountains, and children wearing masks.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

Monday, September 21, 2020

9.21.20 Richard Bottorf - Giant Pumpkin Grower

Pat Campbell and Carly Rush talk to the winner of the Heaviest Pumpkin Contest at the Rogers County Fair this weekend.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.21.20 Mayor Bynum - Halloween, Zip Code Level COVID Map, Mask Mandate, Census

Pat Campbell talks to Mayor Bynum about several topics, including if the city is considering doing anything different for Halloween, a new zip-code level COVID-19 map for Tulsa County, the why of the mask mandate, the census, and more.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.21.20 D.A. Steve Kunzweiler - SQ 805

Pat Campbell talks to District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler about SQ 805 that deals with criminal justice reform. We'll be voting on it in November.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.21.20 Paul Hood - Hood & Associates CPAs

Pat Campbell talks to Paul Hood about branding, Paul's seminar last Friday, stimulus checks that still haven't been delivered, possible economic impact with a new Supreme Court justice

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

Friday, September 18, 2020

9.18.20 Gerron DePoy - The Grip Jar Opener & Walmart

Pat Campbell & Carly Rush talks to Gerron DePoy, the CEO of The Grip Jar Opener, talks about how his product is up for a slot on Walmart shelves.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.18.20 Jarrin Jackson - Burn Pits, The V.A., Color Revolution

Pat Campbell talks to veteran Jarrin Jackson about why he has trouble wearing a mask, the V.A., and the Color Revolution.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.18.20 Allison Dietzfield - Rogers County Fair

Pat Campbell & Carly Rush talk to the co-chair of the Rogers County Fair about the event going on this weekend in Claremore.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

Thursday, September 17, 2020

9.15.20 - 9.16.20 Daryl Simmons - The V.A., Soap, Child Abuse Case

Pat Campbell talks to former Naval Intelligence Officer Daryl Simmons about a variety of topics on Tuesday and Wednesday, including the V.A., soap, and a child abuse case handled through the Tulsa County D.A.'s office. D.A. Steve Kunzweiler weighs in.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.17.20 Jim Stovall - RIP Medical Debt, Constitution Day, Bob Woodward's Book, Tulsa City Council & Pronouns, Jim's Reads, "Are We There Yet?" Column

Pat Campbell talks to Jim Stovall about retiring a million dollars of medical debt for people in need, today being Constitution Day, Bob Woodward's latest book, the pronoun problem in the Tulsa City Council, what Jim read this morning, and Jim's latest column, "Are We There Yet?"

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.17.20 Michael Bates - - Oklahoma Land Run

Pat Campbell talks to Michael Bates about the Oklahoma Land Run, what is being claimed about it, and the actual history behind it,

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.17.20 Rep. Markwayne Mullin - Vanessa Guillen, Military Sexual Assault, V.A. Problems, COVID Relief

Pat Campbell talks to Rep. Mullin about Vanessa Guillen's disappearance and murder at Fort Hood and legislation Mullin is trying to get passed to address sexual assault in the military. They also talk about the bureaucracy of the V.A., the COVID Relief Bill, and more.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

Saturday, September 12, 2020

9.10.20 Jim Stovall - Sen. Jim Inhofe, "Lessons In Leadership" Column, Absentee Ballots, SQ 805,

Pat Campbell talks to Jim Stovall about Sen. Inhofe, his latest column, "Lessons In Leadership", absentee ballots, State Question 805, and books Jim has read.

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from The Pat Campbell Show on Facebook 9.10.20 Jim Stovall - Sen. Jim Inhofe, "Lessons In Leadership" Column, Absentee Ballots, SQ 805,

9.11.20 D.A. Mike Fisher & Daryl Simmons -Addressing Statements Made

Pat Campbell talks to Osage County D.A. Mike Fisher and Daryl Simmons about statements Daryl made yesterday on the show and more.

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from The Pat Campbell Show on Facebook 9.11.20 D.A. Mike Fisher & Daryl Simmons -Addressing Statements Made

9.11.20 Daryl Simmons - 9/11

Pat Campbell talks to former Naval Intelligence Officer Daryl Simmons about 9/11 and some details of his service.

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from The Pat Campbell Show on Facebook 9.11.20 Daryl Simmons - 9/11

Friday, September 11, 2020

9.11.20 Daryl Simmons - 9/11

Pat Campbell talks to former Naval Intelligence Officer Daryl Simmons about 9/11 and some details of his service.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.11.20 D.A. Mike Fisher & Daryl Simmons -Addressing Statements Made

Pat Campbell talks to Osage County D.A. Mike Fisher and Daryl Simmons about statements Daryl made yesterday on the show and more.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.11.20 Rev. Steve Whitaker - The Unsheltered And Homeless In Tulsa

Pat Campbell talks to Rev. Whitaker about what's going on with the homeless population in Tulsa.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.11.20 Sen. Jim Inhofe - Flying With Pat, COVID Stimulus Bill, The American Burying Beetle, Why Run Again

Pat Campbell talks to Sen. Inhofe about their flying experience last Saturday, the COVID Stimulus bill that failed yesterday, why it's good news the American Burying Beetle is no longer protected, why he is running for the Senate again, and more.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

Thursday, September 10, 2020

9.10.20 Carly Rush - What's Goin' On In Green Country

Pat Campbell talks with Producer Carly about the fun haps' around town.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.10.20 Jim Stovall - Sen. Jim Inhofe, "Lessons In Leadership" Column, Absentee Ballots, SQ 805,

Pat Campbell talks to Jim Stovall about Sen. Inhofe, his latest column, "Lessons In Leadership", absentee ballots, State Question 805, and books Jim has read.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.10.20 Ginny Morgan - Hood & Associates CPAs Financial Seminar

Pat Campbell talks with Ginny Morgan of Hood & Associates CPAs about a free financial seminar Paul Hood is hosting at his home Friday, September 18th. Find out more about it at

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.10.20 Daryl Simmons - Biden & COVID #s, Skiatook Rape Case, D.A. Mike Fisher

Pat Campbell talks to former Naval Intelligence Officer about the erroneous numbers of military COVID-19 deaths Biden talked about in a speech yesterday, why so many are ignoring Biden's possible cognitive issues, the case of the man accused of child rape in Skiatook, and Osage County D.A. Mike Fisher.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.10.20 Bill Shapard - SoonerPoll - What Do Oklahoman's Think?

Pat Campbell talks to pollster Bill Shapard about the results of a few recent polls on the Inhofe/Broyles senate race, a mask mandate, and questions about opinions on conservatism and socialism.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

9.9.20 Kevin Doncaster & Starr Friesen - Warhawk PTSD Service Dogs

Pat Campbell talks to Kevin Doncaster and Starr Friesen of Warhawk PTSD Service Dogs about their organization that helps veterans and others with PTSD with free service dogs. Find out how you can help at 918-815-6775, or go to their Facebook page:

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.9.20 Jarrin Jackson - Freedom Frustration, President Trump, The Military, The 1619 Project, War Profiteering

Pat Campbell talks to Jarrin Jackson about how some people don't understand freedom any more, President Trump's possible comments about veterans, the military industrial complex, The 1619 Project, and more.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

9.9.20 Susan Miller - Tulsa Planning Office - Parklets & Sidewalk Cafes

Pat Campbell talks to Susan Miller, the director of the Tulsa Planning Office about parklets and sidewalk cafes as an option for some Tulsa restaurants for outdoor dining.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

9.8.20 Meteorologist Alan Crone - Cooling Trend, Storm Possibility, Allergies, Farmer's Almanac

Pat Campbell and Producer Carly talk to Meteorologist Alan Crone about why it's about to get a bit cool over the next few days, changes of rain, allergies, and the Farmer's Almanac.

from The Pat Campbell Show Podcast